Have you had a look at your Facebook business pages' newsfeed? It is a totally underrated option for doing 'genuine' engagement on the run, on your mobile, while also managing your flexible or remote legal practice and dealing with all the other things you balance during the day.

If you haven't gone and found your business page from your mobile phone before, then this is how you do it. Basically, look for the flag. If you follow any sort of blog or podcast about Facebook marketing for business then you are going to hear a lot about genuine interactive engagement, original interesting content and having a consistent presence on Facebook. You could look at some pages on how to marketing on Facebook here, here or here.
Basically, be engaging, no click bait. You could do two of those things (genuine interactive engagement and a consistent presence) on your mobile phone. Now, obviously it would be better if your marketing was overall a bit more planned and structured but you can definitely use your mobile phone as part of your social media presence.
Business Page Newsfeed
Did you know about your business page's newsfeed? It isn't a new thing, it has been around for a while, but it seems to us that it isn't being used as well as it could be by those who are doing their on social media on the run.

Your business page newsfeed is easy to access on your mobile. When you go to the pages part of the app (see image above) and click on the relevant business (in this case FamilyProperty), you then click on 'Page' in the menu to go to your business page. The newsfeed it should actually be at the bottom of the screen, scroll down a little and click on 'View feed'.
If you haven't used your Business Page newsfeed before then you will need to click 'Follow' on some of the suggestions .
Using your business page newsfeed is not about being the like fairy. That will not generate meaningful engagement for your page. This is about two things, proper engagement and curating the right list.
Proper engagement
When I say being the like fairy I mean just randomly liking everything you see. This won't harm you but it isn't what you need to achieve here. This is an opportunity to look for content that aligns with your brand.
You can easily and quickly do the following things from your phone as your Facebook Business page:
Vote in a poll
When you are engaging you need to go deep where possible by commenting on a post or sharing a post. This is where the business page newsfeed really helps because you should have curated a list of content that is relevant for your brand to meaninfully engage with in the first place.
Curating the right list
Ideally as part of your social media strategy you should be finding pages with content and posts that are on point for your brand and engaging with those pages.
You can use this business feed to "Follow" and therefore collect in one place the sort of relevant content that you want for business purposes (for instance government department pages or business pages for parallel professionals). This is where liking is actually valuable. By hitting like on the relevant content from those pages you will ensure it pops up on your business newsfeed. This will be a distinct newsfeed from your personal feed.
This will make it easier to engage with the 'right' people (because you will see their content) and also to quickly share something that you see that might be relevant for your audience. I stand by what I said before, you are not on Facebook simply to be the like fairy, but this is about liking to encourage the sort of content that is useful to you for your business page's newsfeed. You can be the like fairy over on your personal feed.
If you see something from a page that is not really something you can meaningfully engage with right now, but the page itself is useful to and aligns with your brand, you should hit like. That will mean that in future their content is more likely to pop up in your newsfeed, hopefully giving you an opportunity to meaningfully engage with something else.
Facebook page insights
While I really started this blog to talk about your newsfeed, I will mention insights too because I think most people do not use them nearly as much as they should. While keeping track of statistics in a comparable spreadsheet is important, some statistics are less about numbers and more about feel.

If you haven't visited your page Insights on your phone recently, then go back to your pages index (first image of this blog) and rather than hit page you need to swipe left. Move the index along until you get the "More" option, then choose "Insights".
Here you can see generally how your page is doing, things like post reach or post engagement, but the place I really wish people would spent more time is in "Posts".
Don't let someone else tell you what does or does not work on Facebook, come here and look at what is working for you, with your audience, right now. Look at your recent posts and notice what worked and the details of that post, what sort of post was it (photo, video, link, gif, poll), what was the tone (professional, casual, helpful, public commentary, salesy) and when was it posted (day of the week and time).
Please also look at what you thought was great but actually performed very poorly, ask yourself the same categories of questions but for a different reason. While you could collect statistics on these things, they aren't the sort of thing that can be mathematically calculated. It really is a question of the 'vibe of the thing'. For this reason it is the sort of thing you can meaningfully check on your phone as it is about scrolling through and getting a feel for it.
So, to recap, you should be using your mobile phone to:
curate a list for your business page's newsfeed
engage meaningfully with those on the newsfeed
get to know your business page's insights, particularly your posts
Working on your mobile
We know that family lawyers who run flexible practices are often trying to get stuff done on the run. Certain work is hard to do on your mobile though, like financial disclosure. Or is it?
You can do financial disclosure through our program on your phone. You can use all of our program on your phone but we have recently launched a two way disclosure portal which means you can even share your client's documents with the other side, and get documents back from them, all on your mobile.
If you would like to find out more then click here.
Flexible Family Law
This post is the start of five posts about using your mobile phone for your business, as part of our Flexible Family Law Facebook group. If you want to join our group then click here.
