Last week our CEO, Fiona Kirkman, attended the Illawarra and Southern Highlands Family Law Pathways Networks (‘ISHFLPN’) Annual Judicial Dinner with Judge Altobelli.
Judge Altobelli discussed:
How property is divided after separation
How parenting arrangements impact on property settlements
How property settlements impact on parenting arrangements
The underlying emotional issues in property settlement matters
The event was a great opportunity to catch up with Illawarra colleagues (including Marilyn Waugh, Kate Marr and Luke Elliot), and discuss how we can work collaboratively, maintain strong working relationships and develop appropriate referral mechanisms to assist separating or separated families navigate the broader Family Law system.
Judge Altobelli was Fiona’s family law and dispute resolution lecturer at the University of Western Sydney over 20 years and continues to inspire her in our FamilyProperty vision to empower separated families with an end-to-end collaborative property solution that addresses the issues of time and money and focuses everyone on outcomes not admin.